
Saturday, 13 August 2011

Hajj the most desired journey for a muslim

Hajj is one of the 5 pillars of Islam and a journey that every muslim strives to perform. Ideally you should perform Hajj when you are young and fit and not old like I was. Yet, there is another way of getting the reward of Hajj every night. Interested then read on.

One day, the Prophet (sallalaho aliahe wasallam) said to Ali (radhiallaho ahno): Do these five things before going to bed at night:
  1. give 4000 dinaars in sadaqa
  2. read one complete Quran  
  3. pay the price for jannat  
  4. make two people happy with each other when they are upset   
  5. do one hajj   
Hadrat Ali (radhiallaho anho) said, ya Rasulallah, this looks impossible, how will I be able to do it? Then the Prophet(sallalaho aliahe wasallam) replied, If you read:
  •  4 times surah Fatiha it is equal to giving four thousand dinaars in sadaq
  •  3 times surah ikhlas (qul hu allahu ahad) it is equal to reading one complete quraan.
  •  3 times any durood shareef (shortest: Sallalaho alaihe wassallam) it is the price of jannat
  •  10 times astaghfirullah (or any istighfar) it is equals to making two unhappy people, happy with each other.
  •  4 times third kalima it is equals to performing one hajj.
After this Ali (radhiallao anho) said, ya rasulallah (sallalaho aliahe wasallam), now I will do all these before going to bed.

Another exceptional prayer is dua Jamilah which contains the names of Allah, here you can find the arabic version (page1, .page2) I always encouraged my children to pray it at the time of breaking fast on the 15th of Ramadaan.

Imagine getting the reward of performing Hajj and so much more, in just a few minutes of prayer, especialy in Ramadaan where the rewards are tenfold more.

May Allah accept all our duas


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